How To Overcome Obstacles When Learning A Language


They often say that "we are our worst critics".

Have you heard this before? I am sure that you have. This saying has alot of truth to it although many might not think so. I think that it definitely has its place also when a person wants to learn a language.

Some of the very road blocks or obstacles that learners face sometimes are created by themselves. These obstacles in the learning process are what often hold individuals back from progressing with a language. However, in my opinion, I think obstacles should be viewed as a real challenge. Now what I want you to do now is to consider a few common critical statements, that when used by people often serve as an obstacle in accomplishing their goals.

1) I can't learn because I'm too old...
2) I don't have enough time to learn a language...
3) I don't have the brains to remember things like you do..
4) I will never be able to learn (X language)...because it's too's too difficult..or even
5) People say that...(riding off of other comments or opinions people make)

These statements represent just a few of the many excuses and exaggerations that many use to get out of learning a language. They even use variations of these to get out learning other things in life. It's just like I mentioned before, we are our worst critics. We can talk can sometimes talk ourselves out something even before giving it try.

How can you overcome these obstacles?

1) Be determined from the beginning that you will succeed at your new venture of learning a language. 
One of the best ways to stay focused and determined is by having goals. Goals keep you on schedule and also motivated not to quit.

2) Avoid making excuses.
My definition of an "excuse" is a "premeditated escape from the truth". We often think hard about something in question and "create" or "invent" a reason to convince ourselves that we can't do something in life. This is simply a quick way to avoid the real truth - that we can achieve it, we just haven't discovered the way yet.

Think about it, if you want to do something, let's say raise money for a vacation or a special event. Although you might not initially count with the resources (possible excuse), you always find a way. Why? Because of its importance to you. This drives you to find a way to raise the money to fulfill that need or goal. The same is for learning a language. Don't make excuses. Focus on your goal and its benefits. Find other methods that will help you to reach your goal.

3) Tell others about your goal to learn a language.
When you tell friends and others, they will likely help you along the way by encouraging you. They also want to know your progress. Natives feel very proud to help others learn their language so why not tell some that you are learning. 

These are just a few things from the very beginning to help you overcome and address certain obstacles that might be presented in the language learning process. By applying these you will learn a language with time and never allow anything nor anybody deter you from achieving your goal!

Google Translate Tool - How To Use It To Learn A Language

There are many free tools online that you can utilize to learn a language or to learn more words in your targeted language. One cool tool that you can make use of is the Google translator (


It's quite simple to use and quite effective. When you arrive to the site, you want to first select the language that you would like to start with (For example English). Then select the language in which you would like the words translated into..(For example Spanish). Once you begin to type the English words inside of the box, a Spanish translation will be rendered.

One cool thing about this translation is that you can also hear the words pronounced for you in that language. This is great because it helps you to understand how to say it correctly. Or you could take a word or phrase in Spanish and get the English equivalent for it by simply switching the settings for translation (Spanish -> English). These are basically the positives of using the Google translating tool to learn a language.

However, although effective, there are a few minor disadvantages to using it. Although you can receive quick renditions or translations of words, this tool as with many other online tools have their limitations. The only real limitation that this tool has is with how much you type into the box.

For example, it is better to type small phrases or single sentences versus copying and pasting LONG paragraphs for translation. The reason for this in my opinion is due simply to the way these translations are rendered. Computer softwares are giving you the translations, not humans. This means that sometimes if you type in slang terms, it is possible to get a translation that is not so accurate. Or if you type long paragraphs versus short sentences or phrases, sometimes punctuation marks might be omitted or lost in translation when verted into the targeted language. Again, this is due largely in part to computer softwares and not breathing human beings that are rending these translations. Most online translations have this problem. However, amist this minor glitch, online tools like Google Translate are pretty good to help you learn many new words in a language.

I think that Google Translate is effective and can get you results to help you to learn the basics, however, with anything in life, learning involves being willing to employ various methods to achieve any goal. And that is precisely what I encourage any learner to do in order to speak and master a language.